The whitening treatments we offer at Dr. Dallessandro’s Midtown office are highly effective against extrinsic stains, but some stains are so deep bleach is unlikely to reach them. These are called intrinsic stains, and they affect the pulp of a tooth. While they may only be a cosmetic problem, in some cases, they represent a risk to the patient’s health.
The harmless intrinsic stains are those caused by the tooth being exposed to dark molecules during its formation. Common sources for these are tetracycline antibiotics and excessive amounts of fluoride. In these cases, the tooth can simply be covered with a veneer. The dangerous stains are caused by inflammation of the dental pulp in response to an infection. The body has a hard time fighting off dental infections on its own, and our doctors will recommend a root canal. Using the advanced imaging tools in our office, they will be able to determine whether the infected material has been eliminated. Once the patient is no longer at risk, the cosmetic restorations can proceed.
Joseph S. Dallessandro, DDS, and Jiah Choi, DDS, operate at 360 E 72nd St, Ste B, New York, New York, 10021. To set up an appointment, call 212-988-1089, or visit, and fill out a contact sheet.