Joseph S Dallessandro, DDS

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Pain with Fillings

Fillings are a common method of restoration intended to ease a patient’s pain from tooth decay and to prevent further erosion. However, patients sometimes continue to experience discomfort after a filling is placed. While this is normal, persistent pain should be examined by a skilled dentist such as Dr. Dallessandro or Dr. Choi.

If the area around a filling is still painful days after the filling was placed, the filling may be misshapen. This could prevent the patient from biting properly or provide bacteria with a crevice to hide in and continue to cause decay. It could also be that the decay went all the way to the pulp of a tooth and a root canal will be necessary to undo the damage.

Fillings do not always last forever. A tooth with a filling that had been comfortable for years may become painful if the sealant surrounding a filling breaks. This would provide bacteria with another hiding spot and could cause the filling to come loose. It is also possible that a second crack has formed within the tooth, and the pain from the second episode of decay is being confused with pain from a faulty filling.

Joseph S. Dallessandro, DDS, and Jiah Choi, DDS, operate at 360 E 72nd St, Ste B, New York, New York, 10021. To set up an appointment, call 212-988-1089, or visit, and fill out a contact sheet.


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