Joseph S Dallessandro, DDS

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Losing a Permanent Tooth

Sometimes, when someone loses a permanent tooth, it is possible for the tooth to be saved. However, this depends on several factors, and we at Dr. Joseph Dallesandro’s Upper East Side practice want our patients to know what to do in case of an emergency.

After locating the tooth, hold it only be the crown, not the root. The American Dental Association recommends liquids to clean lost teeth with and containers to transport them, but if these are not available, rinse the tooth with milk or saltwater. If possible, place it back in the socket. If this cannot be done, the patient should hold the tooth in their cheek or submerge it in milk or a saline solution and bring it to our office.

A tooth has the best chance of being reinserted if it is seen by a dentist within an hour of being lost. However, a lost tooth may not be the patient’s most severe injury. Additionally, only permanent teeth can be saved. Reinserting a baby tooth may disrupt the growth of the permanent tooth behind it, though children will be given a spacer to ensure there is room for the permanent tooth to erupt. If an implant is knocked out, it must be replaced.

Joseph S. Dallesandro, DDS, and Jiah Choi, DDS, operate at 360 E 72nd St, Ste B, New York, New York, 10021. To set up an appointment, call 212-988-1089, or visit, and fill out a contact sheet.

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