Joseph S Dallessandro, DDS

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Handling Halitosis

Bad breath is embarrassing, especially when you aren’t the first to notice. Also known as halitosis, bad breath isn’t typically a problem unless it becomes chronic. Chronic bad breath is usually caused by poor oral hygiene habits. It can also be a result of dry mouth, dental problems such as gum disease, or an underlying medical condition. If your bad breath has you feeling self-conscious, schedule a consultation with Dr. Joseph S Dallessandro, DDS to get the problem under control.

Certain foods such as garlic and onions can leave a person with bad breath but that can typically be cured by a breath mint. Proper brushing and flossing remove bacteria and food particles that become trapped between teeth. Chewing sugar-free gum can control the odor, but it’s best to visit Dr. Dallessandro for a more permanent solution. He can answer any questions you may have regarding treatment.  

If you have questions or concerns about halitosis, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Joseph S Dallessandro, DDS in New York, NY, call 212-988-1089.

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