If you need help with a mouth ulcer, the Midtown office of Dr. Joseph Dallesandro is the place to go. Although ulcers usually clear up on their own in about a month, it is worth consulting with us to determine if the problem is being caused by a bad bite and if there’s any treatment we can provide for the symptoms.
The herpes simplex virus-1 is responsible for cold sores. It is easily transferable during an outbreak and most people already have it from sharing cups or straws in childhood. Although the cold sore does little serious harm, it is important for patients not to transmit any fluid from the sore to their eyes. We can provide antibiotics and topical painkillers, if necessary. Unlike cold sores, cankers are lesions that are large and white. It is unknown what causes them, but they tend to occur in teenagers suffering from stress and nutritional problems.
Ulcers resulting from the patient biting down on the soft tissue of their mouths will recur until the teeth’s alignment is corrected or whatever habit is causing the patient to bite their cheek or lip is broken. Bruxism, or nighttime tooth grinding, is one possible culprit.
Joseph S. Dallessandro, DDS, and Jiah Choi, DDS, operate at 360 E 72nd St, Ste B, New York, New York, 10021. To set up an appointment, call 212-988-1089, or visit JosephDallessandroDDS.com, and fill out a contact sheet.
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